Last week a new letter for the BOE in Germany was published online. I want to share it with you (poor translation by Google, sorry for that):
Singers for recordings in German
Dear brothers,
Surely, it has pleased you that we have some of our beautiful songs on JW Broadcasting also in German language. To be able to do so in the future too, we would like to ask you for your help in the search for further singers, preferably brothers and sisters with a vocal education. If possible, they should fulfill the following criteria:
1. Age between 20-45 years.
2. A vocal training in jazz or musical would be an advantage. A classic education is helpful, but could be a hindrance for this type of music.
3. Applicants should master the German language so well that the lyrics of the song is good to understand.
4. As with all applicants for theocratic privileges, it should be exemplary promoter recommended by the Service Committee for such a task.
We are aware that there may not be many brothers or sisters who fulfill all criteria mentioned above. Therefore, those who are not vocal trained should be considered.
To check whether someone is suitable, we need an audio or video recording (Tablet or smartphone is enough). Brothers or sisters who are eligible for this project, should provide their files, contact information or questions that may occur at the following address send:
If someone is after the examination of the recording for this project in the shortlist the Audio / Video Department comes with the concerned brother or sister in directly contact.
We thank you very much for your support and send you cordial greetings.
So maybe someone wants to share a recording with the brothers in bethel Selters?